Location Selection
If possible, the preferred location for a tag is near the switch box or breaker box that is located outside.
First determine if each unit on the property has an outside switch box or breaker box. For example, most houses have a switch box outside and a breaker box inside.
In this case, the preferred location would be on the outside (not inside) switch box panel door.
The second choice would be on the outside wall of the home, directly below or to the side of the switch box.
Many condos have a single main switch box outside, but each unit will have their own breaker box. Each owner needs their own tag so they can manage their own accounts.
In this case each unit will need their own tag which means they will likely need to be installed inside.
Each tag should be mounted on the outside of the switch box door or on the wall next to the switch box (if each unit has their own).
Otherwise, mount the tag on the outside of the breaker box door or on the wall next to the breaker box (if each unit has their own).
For apartments and office buildings contact the property management company to see how they want to set up their tag structure.
They may, or may not want to assign a tag to each tenet.